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The guidelines to the authors who wish to submit their works to E STEM Inc. have been explained henceforth. These guidelines should be followed when submitting any work. There are various benefits of submitting the work to E STEM Inc. as they provide a fair peer review process and language revision services. In addition to these services, it also ensures enhanced visibility and article abstraction by online indexing services. These advantages of submission to E STEM Inc. can be beneficial in many ways.

  • Single blinded peer review process which is just as well as constructive.

  • Help from the editors and services for language revision.

  • Enhanced visibility of the article.

  • Online services abstracts the article

  • It allows open access immediately

  • Our peer review process and the editorial policy

    The journals that are submitted to us needs strengthening of the integrity and the quality so that the readers’ interest is intact. The editorial policy is aimed towards this. The articles that come for publication in the journal are written considering the scope of the journal which encompasses relevance of the topic, scientific viability, integrity, clarity, etc. The journal does not differentiate on the basis of the author’s nationality, religious and political beliefs and race. The decision of publishing the article in the journal is taken solely on the basis of the merit of the article and how it will influence the scientific readers. The articles that are submitted in E STEM Inc. are primarily studied by scholars, science and technology graduates and academicians and generally by everyone interested in scientific research.

    The review process of the article has been designed to be fair and positive and aimed to be constructive for the author.

    The article types those are welcome

    E STEM Inc. is poised to provide quality and true information on the latest research and findings in the world of science. A particular format is followed for each type of article to the credit in the information and also has a different appearance so that the article is convenient to the reader. This is the reason that authors are given a guideline and the submission criteria that must be fulfilled to be able to submit the article in E STEM Inc. The following types of articles are welcome:

  • New articles: These articles must have completely new research that proves to be a major contribution to the field of science. The subject area dealt with in the article should not have been published before. Substantial evidences backing the research work, findings and methodology can be present.

  • Research articles: They must also contain fresh research works.

  • Case reports: They may contain a detailed synopsis of diseases, their causes, occurrences in major parts of the world etc.

  • Various other forms of articles include mini-reviews, commentaries, Debates, editorials, hypotheses and software articles, etc.

    Preparation of Manuscript

    The manuscript of the article also has a fixed format which contains a title page, abstract and keywords. The title page must have a title that reflects the summary of the article. It must also contain the name of the authors and also their contact details and affiliations. The abstract must be approximately 300 words and should be the objective of the article and must not have any abbreviations and references. Keywords containing 4 to 10 words for indexing purpose must be provided.

  • Title page with and descriptive but concise title should be there.

  • The title page should have the name, affiliations and contact details of the author or the authors, whatever the case may be.

  • Text formatting and other details

    Text formatting is very important and the guidelines must be followed while submitting the article to E STEM Inc. The font should be normal, plain and the size should be 12 points; Times Roman is preferred. Use of table functions instead of spreadsheet is encouraged. More than three levels of heading are not permitted.

  • The full form of abbreviation must be provided once.

  • Acknowledgement should contain names that have contributed manuscript preparation and were not involved in authoring.

  • Only Arabic numerals should be used in tables.

  • Additional files should be provided in PDF, SWF, MOV, XLS formats.

  • The author must own the copyright of the article.

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